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Enroute Handy Disposable Razor

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Don't let stubble, whiskers, or 5 o'clock shadow keep you from looking your best! With the Enroute Handy Disposable Razor a quick, smooth shave is never out of reach.
Item # 8649
Don't let stubble, whiskers, or 5 o'clock shadow keep you from looking your best! With the Enroute Handy Disposable Razor a quick, smooth shave is never out of reach.

Look Your Best At Every Turn!

Within the compact tube packaging you'll find the lightweight, durable disposable razor and 2 triple blade swivel heads, each with a soothing moisturizing strip. Each set of blades can be easily removed and replaced by using swift-release push button. And the rubber-coated handle gives you a non-slip grip for a close precision shave.

The compact size makes this set convenient to keep at home, the office, for travel, the gym, and for everyday use. Available in 4 colors (Blue, Green, Coral & Purple) - Sorry, No Color Choice!

Features & Benefits:
- Handy disposable razor
- 2 triple blade swivel heads
- Rubber-coated handle for non-slip grip
- Soothing moisturizing strip on blades
- Swift-release push button for blade replacement
- Lightweight and durable
- Perfect for home, work, travel & everyday
- Compact for convenience
- Available in Blue, Green, Coral & Purple (Sorry, No Color Choice!)

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