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Rise of the Zombies DVD

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ZOMBIES! There are plenty of jumps and plenty of head shots in this fast-paced horror/adventure starring Mariel Hemingway, Levar Burton and Danny Trejo.
Item # 8943
You Can't Kill What Isn't Alive

ZOMBIES! There are plenty of jumps and plenty of head shots in this fast-paced horror/adventure starring Mariel Hemingway, Levar Burton and Danny Trejo.

After zombies overrun San Francisco, a desperate group of survivors lock themselves inside Alcatraz Prison. When the undead start washing up onshore even there, the heroes are forced to return to the mainland. But somewhere inside a San Francisco swarming with zombies, there might be a scientist who has discovered a cure.

For a relatively low-budget horror filck Rise of the Zombies has plenty of action and a few good, honest-to-goodness scares. Plus, in addition to Hemingway, Burton and Trejo, you will be surprised to see a few more familiar faces that give this bloodbath a big budget feel.

- Action/Horror
- Starring Mariel Hemingway, Levar Burton and Danny Trejo
- Running Time: 90 minutes
- Format: DVD
- 5.1 Surround Sound
- Loaded with Special Features, including Making of, Gag reel, Trailers
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