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BOOK: Palestine & The Middle East: Passion & Politics

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This book will challenge many preconceived notions from all sides. This is an opportunity to understand the politics of the region...and you will read analysis as well as emotional narratives.
Item # 1830

Understanding The Middle East

To understand the Middle East, one must sift through a lot of information...and disinformation to get at the truth.

The crux of the Middle East problems can be simplified and understood in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

A book of hard-hitting essays about one of the critical global conflicts of our time. It will challenge many preconceived notions from all sides. This is an opportunity to understand the politics of the region...and you will read analysis as well as emotional narratives. Written by's editor to Viewpoint, Jaffer Ali, this is one book that you will want for your library.
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