Open Doors, Push Buttons, and Use Touch Screens
The Zero-Touch Key minimizes your direct contact with bacteria, viruses, and other germs in public. This ergonomic brass tool has a little hook to open doors, push buttons, and it even works on touch screens!
Open the doors to buildings or offices safely by grasping the tool in your hand and hooking it over the handle. Push elevator, ATM, or gas station buttons with it. When paying for groceries you can even use it on the touchscreens to sign your name for payment. Now you don't have to use your fingers to touch anything in public during this global health crisis!
Naturally Antimicrobial Brass Tool
The Brass alloy, containing both Copper and Zinc is naturally antimicrobial - so germs and bacteria can't flourish on the metal surface. You can still disinfect it with any cleaner or sanitizer without worrying about corrosion or tarnishing. Milled from a solid piece of brass, it's durable and features a built-in hole for attaching to your keyring.
Everyone should have their own personal Zero-Touch Key to stop the spread of the virus and protect your loved ones.
- Minimize Direct Germ Contact In Public
- Open Door Handles, Levers, and More
- Push Elevator, ATM, and Gas Station Buttons
- Use on Touch Screens for Credit Card Payments
- Naturally Antimicrobial
- Use if you Don't Have Gloves Handy
- Resists Corrosion/Tarnishing
- You can also use any Sanitizer or Disinfectant on It
- Durable, Solid Brass Alloy Key
- 61% Copper, 37% Zinc, 2% Other Metals
- Dimensions: 3in x 1.25in x .12in

It looks simple enough: it's milled from a single piece of brass alloy, ergonomically shaped to do so much. First of all, hook it onto any door handle to enter a store, office building, or even bathroom. Even outside a pandemic, handles are notorious for harboring all kinds of bacteria and viruses.
Then you can use the pointed end to push buttons - call the elevator, flip a lightswitch, use the ATM, or purchase gas at the pump.
This even works on touch screens! More and more storefronts are using them to minimize person-to-person contact. Paying by card at the store, you can even use it to sign your name to complete the transaction!
Why Brass?
Brass is an alloy made from Copper and Zinc: both are naturally antimicrobial which means germs can't live on the surface. It's durable to resist drops and dings, and if you do decide to wipe it with sanitizer: it won't corrode or rust.
Don't be fooled by other metal keys: aluminum and other cheap metals can harbor germs long after using in public. They're also not all touch screen compatible.
Disposable gloves are great, but you have to keep buying them and they are not a very eco-friendly option. By putting one of these on your keyring, you can always be ready and protected while on the go!
- Minimize Direct Germ Contact In Public
- Open Door Handles, Levers, and More
- Push Elevator, ATM, and Gas Station Buttons
- Use on Touch Screens for Credit Card Payments
- Naturally Antimicrobial
- Use if you Don't Have Gloves Handy
- Resists Corrosion/Tarnishing
- You can also use any Sanitizer or Disinfectant on It
- Durable, Solid Brass Alloy Key
- 61% Copper, 37% Zinc, 2% Other Metals
- Dimensions: 3in x 1.25in x .12in
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