Customer Service

About Us

Company Background

First, we'd like to thank you for visiting If you are reading this letter you are obviously very interested in the company and learning more about us. was founded in 1996. We started out by promoting products on TV. You probably remember some of our campaigns... Riverdance, Lord of the Dance, The Honeymooners, Stomp, The Carpenters and others.

Many of us have worked together for over 15 years at this company and earlier at a leading catalog company. We all had a passion for building a great company and joined forces to create

How did we branch out into other products besides DVDs? The credit goes to our customers! We began getting emails and letters asking us if we could get other TV products. We listened and started first with TV products and branched out to more.

A lot has changed with e-commerce from 1996 to today. We successfully rode the internet bubble and survived the burst, pleased to have helped millions of customers along the way. Through the years we have maintained the integrity of our company and stayed true to our goals:
  • Offer a wide assortment of products at a good value
  • Create a shopping experience that is simple and easy to use
  • Provide dependable delivery backed up by our in-house fulfillment center
  • Assist you quickly and efficiently with responsive customer service

Why Shop Here?

We think you will choose to shop with us because you will find the products you want at great prices and quick delivery. We continually update and improve our site, our content, our services and the site's functionality based on the suggestions of our customers.

Our team is always working hard to meet your needs. While you have many choices of where you shop online, we believe we offer the best overall experience and the right combination of service, value and products that you have requested.

We are also proud of the fact that has been recognized for outstanding customer service and easy to use ordering and website design by numerous sources.

Read Real Customer Testimonials

Meet the Staff

Staff - Tammy Tammy

Tammy is the leader of our Customer Service team. She combines years of experience with a love to help people. Whenever any of us need help, Tammy is the one we call for. One thing we all love about Tammy is she's always got something bizarre going on in her life. Just ask her about the time she left her windows open only to get in her car and encounter a Raccoon… We're still not sure who was more freaked out, Tammy or the Raccoon!
Staff - Sherri Sherri

We are so pleased to have Sherri in Customer Service. She loves to help customers.

What we all found out about quiet, polite Sherri is that she has a mean competitive streak in her! She's a devoted runner who loves to whoop others in races. We saw this first hand when our company did a 5K and she finished pretty high up in the rankings. I think she could've lapped most of us a few times!
Staff - Sandy Sandy

You ever meet someone and feel like they've been a friend for years? Well that's what it was like when Sandy joined our team. There's always a smile on her face and she's a joy to be around. When it comes to assembling our Pound of Pens... NO ONE is faster than Sandy.
Staff - Sharon Sharon

Sharon was a hit from the very start! She is a quick study and has a good sense of humor. A perfect fit for PulseTV! She's friendly and likes to help people which makes her a natural for our customer service team. She's one of us now... Uh-Oh, wish her luck!
Staff - Monica Monica

Many of us have known Monica for years! We FINALLY got her to join us, albeit on a part time basis. She can do it all! Previously she's been in IT, Customer Service, an Office Manager and more. When she's not here, she's a full time Mom, wife and make-up consultant.
Staff - Carol Carol

Carol maybe our best customer ever. You could say she's like family!

Whatever we ask her to do, she tackles it with the best Can-Do attitude. We are lucky to have her here.
Staff - DJ DJ

Hi I’m DJ. You may see me as a Blue Jay, but I’m actually a Deal Jay with a serious need for DEALS!

Who needs worms when you've got PulseTV? Forget scouring discount bins, PulseTV is my one-stop shop for all things fabulous and wallet-friendly.

Since nesting at PulseTV, I haven't shopped any other store! I love deals so much I’ve convinced PulseTV to start a special PulseTV Savers Club. It’s the best way to save the most money ALL YEAR LONG!
Staff - Anisa Anisa

As a co-founder Anisa brings over 35 years experience in mail order and retailing, Besides finding new products and writing about them, she oversees marketing and operations.

Most of all she loves the PulseTV merchandise. So much so all her gift giving is direct from PulseTV. We don't think she's stepped into a store since 1996!
Staff - Jaffer Jaffer

Jaffer, our CEO and co-founder, has been in the direct-to-consumer marketing space for a long time...going back to when he had hair. A graduate of University of Illinois, he is also a pro bono Adjunct Professor at Bradley University teaching media and marketing. You can always see Jaffer roaming the office asking questions or dreaming up new ways to get our deals in front of millions of people.
Staff - Tom Tom

Tom, one of our co-founders is the one who pays the bills. In fact, we think he sleeps with the checkbook. Tom is also one of our most avid PulseTV buyers and he even looks stylish in the Comfy Jeans he thought were for men! He also happens to know more jokes than any human ought to know!
Staff - Jim Jim

Jim is our in-house counsel. He graduated from college as an engineer, worked for a big manufacturer for a few years, then decided he wanted to be further in debt so he went back to school and became a lawyer... yes, adults sometimes choose to be lawyers. We hired him out of school and he's been here ever since. We call him Shamus, JB or just plain ol' Jimmy. He's also a darn good carpenter.
Staff - Khalil Khalil

Khalil is in charge of all our video production, graphics and more. He also helps in product selection and copy writing. From product development, package design even our TV Show production he seems to know it all. He can draw, sing and play a mean guitar. We're lucky to have him at PulseTV.
Staff - Adam Adam

Adam is joining the buying and creative team. We know he'll be great at video editing as he used to work on a Chicago Cubs show. That's really how he got the job here. We thought he could get us free tickets. Now that we know he can't he may not be here long! Just kidding... he actually has years of experience in management so we're excited for him to lend his talents to us.
Staff - Michele Michele

For almost 20 years Michele has been involved in mail order. Starting in customer service Michele has done just about everything at Pulse. She currently manages the inventory and makes sure all the new products get up and onto the site.

She's also great for singing in the office. Michele has a knack of taking one line from a song and singing it over... and over... and over!
Staff - Kris Kris

Kris does many things here, one of which is organizing all our outside advertising campaigns.
If you've ever seen the TV show "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" you may see the resemblance between Kris and Sweet Dee. We like to tease her that she reminds us of Sweet Dee in so many ways. much to Kris' chagrin!
Staff - Ian Ian

Ian is our resident creative! While his energetic and positive attitude shines in our product videos, his true talents lie behind the camera and in the editing studio!

A self proclaimed camera nerd, his eye for composition and directing is what makes him stand out. But his writing and photoshop skills are really why we keep him around.
Staff - Zack Zack

Zack joined the company as a junior in high school, and worked with us for 15 years. After discovering he had a natural talent for being on video, he became one of our prominent faces for our product demos. He also excelled in writing and working with vendors on new products.

When he eventually left to support his growing family, he would still come in and help out with some videos. Unfortunately, his life was tragically cut short in 2022, but we'll never forget him and his beautiful spirit. RIP Zack Memorial Page
Staff - Jeanie Jeanie

Jeanie has been with us since 1999! As we have grown, so has Jeanie's responsibilities. She is the VP of Marketplace Sales and is a renown runner. So if you purchased our products on Amazon,, or other online marketplaces, Jeanie was responsible for getting those products to you.
Staff - Mary Mary

Mary is our office manager and knows how to do just about everything at our company!

Mary's been part of the team since Pulse started up. When you call in, it's her voice you hear.
Staff - Don Don

Don comes to us after years of working in the infomercial industry. If you've seen a NuWave commercial chances are Don was involved in getting on your station.

He works in our Business Development area but what we really think he would love to do is be a sportscaster. Don happens to be a Sports FANATIC. If we want to know what is going on with just about any team in any sport, we can ask Don!
Staff - Sharif Sharif

We wanted to grow the company and knew Sharif was our man. He's in charge of business development, locating new partnership opportunities, building relationships, as well as managing wholesale and liquidation of products and managing affiliates. If you wanted to do any business with PulseTV, Sharif is the guy you wanna call! He loves PulseTV almost as much as he loves sandwiches.
Staff - Andy Andy

Andy started working with us way back as a High School Junior then went off to really learn his stuff at Arizona State. After finishing there, we wanted him back...made him the proverbial offer he could not refuse and voila! Andy is our IT manager develops most of our websites, programs and applications... as well as teaching us old fogies what's new. We all know before we call Andy about a problem with our computer... we should REBOOT first!
Staff - Antonio Antonio

Antonio may look mild-mannered but he is a super-hero when it comes to coding.

We knew he was a keeper when we threw him into one of our biggest system redesigns with little direction.

You can just see the twinkle in his eye when he talks about the changes he wants to make!
Staff - Steve Steve

Steve works mainly on GopherCentral newsletters, but he also writes product descriptions and ad copy.

Everyone loves Steve. His quick wit is amazing and he always seems to have us all laughing.
Staff - Maureen Maureen

Maureen joins us as the resident bean counter here. Yep we added another accounting person on account our deals are so good the bosses are worried we're losing money! What we love about Maureen is she is so much NOT like an accountant. I don't think our crazy bunch could take that. We're trying to figure out how Maureen can keep winning our football pool. She won't reveal what her system is!
Staff - KBS Fulfillment Team And Packing Your Orders:
Karen & the KBS Fulfillment Team.

Who is more caring than a mom? With that in mind, Karen started KBS Fulfillment out of her house and took on a few small clients. When she needed help, she called up a couple of fellow moms to help out while the kids were in school.

That was 20 years ago and even though KBS has moved into a big warehouse, you'll still see a whole bunch of moms picking and packing thousands of orders a day.